"Most effectuall against paines of the head..."*
Colonists thought lavender could cure over 40 ailments: “...especially the flowers of it. are most effectuall against paines of the head, and all diseases thereof proceeding of cold causes...*.” The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes (1597) - J. Gerard
Lavender probably has the most widely recognized aroma and is known for its soothing, calming and aromatic qualities.
- 20 Teabags
- Contents: Lavender Blossoms
- 1.6 oz net wt
*Plimoth Patuxet Museums, Inc. does not provide health or medical advice. The information on this tea is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation of endorsement of any medical or health treatment. Please consult a health care provider before pursuing any herbal treatments.